Preventing Liver Disease and Facial Eczema
Facial Eczema is a common disease in New Zealand caused by the spores of the fungus Pithomyces chartarum. It is especially common during the humid, warm months – December to May. It costs the industry an estimated $200m annually. Infection can lead to reduced fertility as well as reduced milk and meat production.
Pithomyces chartarum is a toxin that causes severe liver damage in pasture-fed animals. The toxin makes its way to the animal’s liver, causing severe damage, which presents as facial eczema. Animals can be exposed to the toxic spores can be in a large number, or the same damage can be caused by smaller exposure events over a period of time.
It’s important to note that not all affected animals will show symptoms of severe liver disease. If you have animals that are presenting with facial eczema, this can mean that a larger number of animals will be suffering from liver disease.
Due to this, the best option is prevention, to avoid liver disease and facial eczema. Being proactive and getting the animal’s liver in the strongest, healthiest condition prior to spore season is key.
Hep-Ora is a dietary feed supplement for cattle, sheep, goats and camelids that supplies amino acids and vitamins to aid liver function.
Vetsep Antiseptic Sunblock is a sun filter and antibacterial cream. If an animal does present with facial eczema, their skin will be very sensitive to sunlight, which Vetsep Antiseptic Sunblock will protect them from.
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