Founded in 1968 by Geof and Jeanette Roberts, Ethical Agents is a specialist veterinary marketing company which has formed close partnerships over the decades with some of the best veterinary companies in the world. Our staff numbers and product lines may have expanded significantly since the early days, but the business has stayed true to its original philosophy of channelling new technology from manufacturers all over the world into the New Zealand veterinary market.
We’re not tied to one R&D division. We’re plugged into some of the leading suppliers to the world market — companies such as Vétoquinol, Serag Wiessner, Fatro, Bimeda; and our local NZ technology. Ethical Agents is in a really unique position, these organisations have significant R&D capability, and are at the cutting edge of veterinary pharmaceuticals.
EA holds sole agencies which provides us with the ability to pick the best and most suitable products for NZ veterinarians.
As a NZ family business and the original NZ suppliers for our vast range of products we genuinely care for your wants and needs and will, as a company, go the extra mile to help if we can. We have “a passion” for what we do. What is our goal? To be “the best” in our market.


Dr Dennis Scott BVSc MACVSc (Veterinary Pharmacology) can be contacted for any technical assistance.
Frequently asked questions for Dr. Denny are featured on the FAQ page.
Ethical Agents holds sole agencies for international and local companies, in addition to this we have our own large range of products. Our principal supplier companies are amongst some of the finest in the world and annually spend more than 140 million NZ dollars on R&D.
The results of this expenditure mean that it is always worth seeing an ea rep. We nearly always have something new, we don’t add products unless there is a significant market reason, and we have been responsible for supplying some of the most useful and unique answers to practitioners’ daily problems through the launching of many niche products. Our new lines are often the first of their kind in the market with products such as Metabolase & SteriGENE.
We bring the results of a huge R&D spending to NZ. The NZ Vet vote for ea is a vote for advancement and improvement in outcomes for your patients, the animals. We don’t have a “multi-national”, money-driven attitude and this is why we are now the only NZ supplier left of many lines such as antihistamine and acetylpromazine injections, discontinued as unviable by other suppliers. Support a real R&D company bringing products to you from multiple worldwide sources; our ea focus is purely in true partnership with NZ Vet practices nationwide.

- EAVM launch absorbable suture in cassette from Serafit
- EAVM first oral liquid K1 – KeaDione
- EAVM launch a long-acting GnRH – Dalmarelin
- EAVM first to launch pure D-Cloprostenol – Dalmazin

- EAVM first in New Zealand to launch liquid Ace Inhibitor in Prillium
- EAVM first to launch ear drops with fluoroquinolone – Aurizon
- EAVM first to launch disinfectant with micro emulsion technology in SteriGENE

- EAVM launch unique Kynoselen
- EAVM launch first bioadhesive drug in Stomadhex
- EAVM launch Calol, CaCl water in oil emulsion
- EAVM is the 2nd company in the world to launch Propalin
- EAVM launch in New Zealand first recycled newsletter Cat litter, breeders cellect

- EAVM first to launch 4-in-1 Pitman Moore vaccine
- EAVM first vet company to have fully live computer system
- EAVM first company in New Zealand to launch IGRs for flea control with Vetkem

- First vet licensed lignocaine injection from EAVM
- EAVM launch acetylpromazine with ACP – now Acezine
- EAVM pioneer launch of ECG in Pegnicol

- EAVM founded in 1968
- EAVM launch first parvo vaccine
- First to launch Rheem plastic bottle to vet market